The most durable modular silencer we have to offer!
The Ghost Modular Rifle Silencer is the next generation in silencer technology, made of high-strength air craft grade aluminium to minimise weight, with a matte black anodised hard-coat finish for the ultimate in durability. The primary blast baffle has a strengthened stainless steel insert to improve durability. Cleaning only takes minutes, simply unscrew to disassemble and clean. It’s that easy.
The modular design allows you to customise the performance to your specific requirements by increasing or decreasing the number of baffles. One or both of the two middle threaded baffles can be removed to create a lighter silencer, or simply screw in additional threaded baffles to create a quieter silencer.
Note for silencer cleaning: Remove silencer from rifle, use a non petroleum or non ammonia based cleaner.
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